Branch Newsletter



The Branch Newsletter is produced twice a year – in June and December – by the Newsletter Editor Usually consisting of 24 pages, in A5 format, it is full of information from towers in the Tower Talk section, details of peals and quarters rung in the Branch and items of general interest including information on training opportunities, not to mention plenty of pictures in colour.

All towers are encouraged to provide copy with the deadlines being 20th April and 20th October. Items of news are, by virtue of the dates of the two annual issues, defined as anything which has happened since the last issue. Every effort will be made to include copy sent but space restrictions might apply. Articles which are “timeless” may be held over for six months.

The Newsletter is available on this web site and is distributed to all towers both as hard copy or in electronic format. If you’d like to receive an electronic version, e-mail the Editor for one in PDF format. The electronic version is worth having because the November 2006 issue included both audio and video clips and the May 2007 issue includes a web link (not possible with hard copy!). In this context, the Editor would be delighted to receive such clips, giving you an opportunity to see and hear your own bells in the Newsletter – but the striking had better be good!

Now that this web site is up and running, we can provide more up-to-the-minute news to supplement the Newsletter. Any such news should be submitted to the Editor in the usual way. Don’t wait for the next Newsletter issue – send it in now!

You can read the newsletter online using Acrobat, which is available for free download (you probably want to decline the "Optional offers"!)


You can send contributions for the next ONB Branch Newsletter at any time, such as:

Please send contributions to .

Page last updated: 26th May 2024.